Risen Church Nc

Christmas Party - Matthew 1



Matthew's version of the Christmas story doesn't begin with a grand introduction, nor does it immerse us into the drama and wonder of it all. No, Matthew's Gospel begins with a list of names. This isn't an ordinary list of names of course, but it is the genealogy of Jesus, tracing Him back to the beginning of Israel's story. Matthew assures us that Jesus's bloodline included the who's who of Israel's history - Abraham and David. However, much of the list features relative nobodies, that aren't so much as mentioned anywhere else in the Bible. There are also plenty of everyday sinners, who are remembered for all the wrong reasons. Yet, they're all included just the same. Matthew 1:21 tells us that Jesus came to save His people from their sins. The genealogy details just who His people were - People just like us. The message Matthew wants to send is pretty clear: Christmas is for EVERYBODY. Matthew's Gospel goes on to tell an incredible story about Jesus inviting and including sinners like him in the family