Risen King Alliance Church

Signs of the Spirit Part 1



The Lord has revealed to Pastor Mike Plunket the foundation of what God has in store for our church community for 2015: the signs of the Spirit. Today we unpacked the first one of those, peace. That place from where we don’t need to control everything that goes on around us. Digging into Philippians 4:4-13 we learn from Paul, who found peace, that the character of the God we serve is peace. If you have Him, you have it. And this peace is not connected to circumstances, but doesn’t deny them or is indifferent to them. By contrast, we can also appreciate what peace is not: anxiety, emotional turmoil, debilitating worry. The passage shows that Paul wasn’t born with peace, but found peace as he learned to think about the realities of his life in the light of scriptural truth. And he thanked even before he received answers, for he trusted that the peace Giver knows better and higher ways. Finally, peace settles when we learn what and how to love. We ought to set our hearts on the immutable, for when we love mutabl