Sensuality Empowerment Podcast

Tiarnie - Codes of the Universe - Astrology



Today’s interview is a goodie, an opportunity to step into the metaphysical realm and discuss how astrology plays an important role in informing people about their place in the world - whether its the guidance you need around your relationships, business, financial management or your purpose. There is no denying of the growing interest and fascination around Astrology.  I wanted to understand why so many people are turning to the stars for guidance SO I turned to Tiarnie, an influencer and passionate Astrologer who I have been following for a number of years. Its such a pleasure to have her on the show, sharing her magic, energy and wealth of knowledge with you.Tiarnie offers Astrology Activations in one-on-one sessions, Spiritual Mentoring, Astrology Business readings, Astrology Masterclasses, Liquid crystal consultations, annual overviews and so much more! Astrology is her cosmic language and her passion is to awaken and activate you to remember YOUR magic and to come home to your own medicine and create a