California Real Estate Radio

Real Estate close out 2021 in Santa Clarita Valley by Connor with Honor and other exciting information



If you want the best in digital no contact business cards, use my affiliate link - I love this thing and my client list has increased 50% -'s get to the Santa Clarita Valley real estate world and how things are going for those of that have been watching the real estate market.During the past year, I have watched as there have been people willing to pay way over the listing price to get home due to the heavy competition. Also, those same folks were also, in many cases, willing to waive their appraisal contingencies. In other words, they stated they were willing to buy a home without caring about the cost, or at least that they would make up the difference between the appraised value and what they said they were willing to pay for the property.This can be a bad decision without the proper guide. I have a lot of videos that cover this very topic - go to my youtube channel Connor with Honor to see more!