Midnight Frightcast

E89 "Anna and the Apocalypse" / A Very Karen List / Holiday Horror



Tis the season for the folks at the MFC to sit down and talk about holiday horror. The boys take on a Very Karen Scary Movie List, peep out their favorite Christmas-time horror flicks, and then sing praise to the 2017 zombie musical, "Anna and the Apocalypse." Subscribe to the FrightCast at midnightfrightcast.com. Jump right to the good stuff: 1:00 - What We've Been Watching 7:00 - A Very Karen 2020 Scary Movie List 26:10 - Looking Forward to 2021 33:25 - Our Holiday Horror Picks 42:25 - Feature Review: "Anna and the Apocalypse" 1:04:15 - Plugs Please Subscribe, Rate, and Review the Midnight FrightCast to help more people discover us, and possibly to win some cool merchandise! Follow us! Twittter: @MFrightCast Instagram: MidnightFrightCast FaceBook: MidnightFrightCast Check out our podcasting host, Pinecast. Start your own podcast for free, no credit card required, forever. If you decide to upgrade, use coupon code r-3d68c4 for 40% off for 4 months, and support Midnight FrightCast.