Midnight Frightcast

E80 "Sharkansas Womens Prison Massacre" / VOD vs Theatrical Release



The MFC talk VOD vs Theatrical release during this time of love and Covid-19, and then they review a movie that scores their first unanimous "1" rating, "Sharkansas Womens Prison Massacre." Subscribe to the FrightCast at midnightfrightcast.com. Jump right to the good stuff: 1:38 - News 7:10 - What We've Been Watching 13:00 - Horror Movies - VOD vs Theatrical Release 34:10 - Villain VS Villain 37:51 - Feature Review: "Sharkansas Womens Prison Massacre" 1:01:00 - Plugs Please Subscribe, Rate, and Review the Midnight FrightCast to help more people discover us, and possibly to win some cool merchandise! Follow us! Twittter: @MFrightCast Instagram: MidnightFrightCast FaceBook: MidnightFrightCast