Risen Church Nc

Our Great Work - Nehemiah 6:1-4



We all have a great work to do in 2022. Perhaps we haven't identified yet, or it could be something we've walked away from in the past. In this message, we turn to Nehemiah for inspiration about how we might commit our hands to the work God would have us do in this year. Nehemiah teaches us how to identify the "great works" that believers should prioritize. His story also shows how important accountability and persistence are, lest our works be abandoned. As you listen to this message and consider the text, ask yourself these very important questions: - What is my "Great Work" for 2022? In light of my faith and what God expects from me in my current walks of life - What can I not possibly ignore? Consider your role as a man/woman, husband/wife, single person, church member, etc. - How can I ensure that I will remain accountable to this work throughout this year? What support systems do I have in place to keep me from coming down from this work? - What temptations do I face, or could I face, that mig