Sex With Dr. Jess

Relationship Resolutions for 2022



Want more pleasure and passion? How about more mindful connections and a boost in self-esteem? We don’t have all the answers, but we’re sharing a few resolutions and intentions for the new year — for happier relationships all around. "Why Do I Love You Again Exercise" Questions from "The Ultimate Guide to Seduction & Foreplay", co-authored with Marla Renee Stewart. Tell the story of when we first met? What was the first thing you noticed about me? What songs remind you of our early time together? What first attracted you to me? How have I changed for the better and grown since our early days? What stood out about our first date? Describe our first kiss. What do you remember about our first sleepover Or the first time we had sex? What is an awkward moment that I wouldn't want to re-live but we're able to laugh about now? What was the most memorable or hottest sex we've ever had? And what made it so memorable? Our amazing sponsor Ioba Toys is offering 40% off this month with my discou