Sex With Dr. Jess

38 Sex Questions Answered



It’s our 100th episode! We’re answering rapid-fire questions on everything from jealousy, uneven breasts, and birth control to penis flavours, positions and sex toys. Tune in and keep the questions coming. Sex Questions Answered: Rapid Fire Round Rough Transcript: It’s our 100th episode! Yay us! Thanks so much for listening and for sharing with your friends. If you like the podcast, please do share it and write us a review online. And thank you to Desire Resorts for being our headline sponsor - you know we love their clothing optional beaches and cruises and we welcome any questions you might have about their vacations since the concept is so unique. And speaking of questions, we’re going to be answering 100 sex and relationship questions to celebrate our 100th episode. We’ve been collecting so many questions from you and we want to answer as many as possible so we’ll be doing a rapid fire round today and I’ll do my best to answer as many as possible. We’ll probably have to continue in next week’s episo