The Chelsea In America Show

Episode 269 - Boring Boring Champions



Note: The first few minutes got cut off. Here's what you missed: Chelsea will be playing in the US this summer. July 22nd in NYC, July 25th in Charlotte, NC, July 28th in Washington DC. You must be a 14-15 CIA member and are registered either True Blue or Affiliate to get supporters club tickets. You should have received an email detailing ticket information. Be Patient! There will be two sections to choose from: Family-Friendly and Standing & Singing. If you like to stand, sing your favorite Chelsea songs and be loud... pick accordingly. If you have small children who you might not want them to hear the profane versions of our pub/Stamford Bridge songs... pick accordingly. We begin the podcast talking a little bit of the Summer Tour then we head into the Arsenal review. They call us boring, but that okay because we have the League title in our grasp and they don't. Let them be boring without a title for 10 years with the same gaffer in charge. Furthermore, we preview tomorrow's Leicester match, this