Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 13: Tips for Embracing Failure and Creating an Empire



In this episode of Today’s Business Leaders Gabe speaks with the inspiring Jeet Banerjee about his entrepreneurial journey. Jeet offers up plenty of actionable advice based on his experiences launching several successful businesses. Learn how failure and impatience can be beneficial and lead you down a path to success. How Miserable Jobs Led to Inspiration As a teenager Jeet took one dead-end job after another and he either quit or was fired from each and every one. After a while Jeet began to fear he may be unemployable, since things just weren't working out with any of the jobs he took. This fear and concern pushed Jeet, at age 17, to start his own company. At the time Jeet was working at a web development company and inspiration struck. Addressing a Problem Jeet identified a need linking companies looking for web development to talented and often more cost-effective web developers. In two short years Jeet built his company into a successful business, and he sold it. His second venture followed a simil