Risen Church Nc

One Another - Ephesians 4:17-32



What sort of New Year's Resolutions should Christians make? Is there one vow that every follower of Christ ought to devote themselves to? Ephesians 4 identifies one thing that every Christian is called to do. The Apostle Paul declares that all who have put on Christ have this shared imperative over their lives. It turns out that this passage in Ephesians is just the tip of the iceberg of the New Testament's greatest message. In this message, hear how every Christian is called to consider how we relate to those around us. Our beliefs in God are actually proven and authenticated by our behavior towards others. As God has done for us, we are called to do for others. As we consider all that this passage introduces to us, we marvel at the possibility of a world where every Christian follows this path. Can you imagine what would happen if we all loved one another the same way God has loved us?