Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

Are You Tired of the Struggle to be Healthy? - 5 Tips



It's January 19th, and many of us have already given up on our commitment to "Be Healthy This Year!!!!" It's not that we don't want to be healthy. We do! We're just demoralized by the constant failures that go along with working on a be-healthy habit. So what do we do to get out of that slump? Pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and make a commitment to try again tomorrow? I don't think so; I used to do that all the time and it didn't work. I didn't have enough self-control to make myself do the things that would lead me toward health or not do the things that kept me unhealthy. If we really want to be healthy--and we're not one of those people who love exercising and eating healthy--we need to renew our minds. The Bible tells us we're transformed by the renewing of the mind. This works for anything we do in life, including becoming healthy. The more we get God's perspective on life and food, the more we'll want to do things that will lead us toward health. If you'd like to become healthy this year, here is w