Connie Pheiff Show

Oh No, Honey, I’m leaving my J.O.B. says Paul Klein



Imagine telling your wife “honey, I’m leaving my JOB. Paul Klein shared this message with his wife in 2009 and as they say the rest is history. Now there is something that connects Paul with each of these people -  Ellen DeGeneres, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Rachael Ray, John D. Rockfeller and even Kim Kardashian all have in common with today’s guest? We can add him to the list of Famous – highly intelligent people without a college degree. He was diagnosed at an early age with dyslexia, but that didn’t hold him back from caching the entrepreneurial bug. He was groomed, as many people are, get a job at the local industrial factory, work until you retire – then you’re dead. This guy left his 18-year job, six-figure income, benefits and retirement package. Most of all he left the bureaucracy – the company B.S. Does this sound familiar to you? Learn more about Paul Klein at Giveaway: Head over to to receive Kevin’s give-a-way – The Product Pricing Road Map. YOU ARE LISTENING TO