Connie Pheiff Show

Your Attitude is Everything with Rena Romano



Rena Romano (Reena - Row Ma No) Professional Speaker, Author, Coach knows that the right attitudes and actions create the right mindset for accelerating results in business and in life. An award-winning career in construction sales led her to start her own business sharing the successful strategies that brought her success.She is a member of the National Speakers Association, a veteran of the TEDx stage, and was a featured guest on “The Oprah Winfrey Show”  Lessons Learned: The THRIVE Perspective program - Working with organizations that understand “Mindset” is equally important as Skillset and Toolset to achieve desired results!  "Attitude is Everything" and research shows Positive Thinking builds skills, boost health and improves work! Knowing how to get along, communicate with people and maintain a positive attitude is just as crucial if not more important than experience.  Life changing moments on Oprah, abused as a child the THRIVE perspective was developed in Rena’s healing. TEDx talk https://www.yout