Connie Pheiff Show

Grief is a Lost Connection - Laura Kelly



Grief is a connection that has been lost. We grieve those we love, we grieve those we like, we grieve those we hate, and we grieve those we are indifferent to. We grieve the loss of partnerships, businesses, relationships and more. The deep suffering you experienced as your heart was completely broken is excruciating. You feel as if  you could fall down and never get back up….. because what’s the point if everything has shattered to pieces in your current feelings of grief. Our guest shares her own story of growing up having an incredibly close relationship with her mom. Where they were best friends. Today her life has changed and she has developed a business heling others through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Lessons Learned: How to overcome those grief triggers and not allow then to hold you back from success. ACTIVATE YOUR POWER AND BE UNSTOPPABLE TOGETHER Former executive turned Lifestyle entrepreneur, Connie Pheiff is ridiculously dedicated to inspiring individuals to activate th