Connie Pheiff Show

Learn from sales expert, coach, and professional moderator Mary Marshall today.



 Mary is a sales expert, coach and professional moderator. Her background includes sales, online learning and professional speaking. She helps change behavior and transforms the lives of her clients through teaching award-winning programs. Mary teaches at national conferences, seminars, and utilizes online video platforms. She is a professional moderator, who worked with Buena Vista Pictures, DreamWorks Pictures and is currently producing C-Suite TV’s series Run Towards the Roar with Jason Forrest.   -How to hire top sales professionals -Hire based on beliefs not resume -Talk the candidate out of the job · -Hire with the assumption that they won’t be better than at the interview   FPG (Forrest Performance Group) is focused on mastering the art and science of human performance. A global leader and designer of sales, management, customer service and executive training programs, FPG is a dedicated team of individuals committed to helping you and your company succeed. FPG was named Best Place to Work in Fort W