Connie Pheiff Show

Deadbeat Debt Buyers with Scott Carson



From Mortgage broker to Real Estate Investor Coach, Sports Fan, Speaker and 2014 Note Educator of the Year, Scott Carson enjoys seeing his students close deals and change their lives.  Scott started off as a mortgage broker in 2004 and out of the turmoil in 200-8-2009, when everyone else was bleeding financially, he saw an opportunity and started buying bad mortgages.  Over the last ten years, he’s bought over a half a billion dollars in debt and helped thousands of real estate investors with their real estate investing business.  An avid reader and sports fan, he enjoys traveling, speaking and spending time in Austin, TX when he isn’t working.  The 2014 Note Educator of the Year gets the biggest enjoyment out of seeing his students close deals and change their lives financial, one bad loan at a time. is one of the nation’s premier buyer and seller of defaulted mortgages in the country.  We focus on helping new and seasoned real estate investors by helping them tap into the river of ov