Connie Pheiff Show

Inspiration On and Off the Court with Jim Johnson



Coach Jim Johnson has developed winning high-school basketball teams for 30 years, taking over three losing varsity programs and turning them into winners in short periods of time.    Coach Johnson has rolled his accomplishments and experiences into two speaking presentations, “Dreams Really Do Come True” and "Leadership Lessons from Half-Court". Now that he has retired from full time teaching, he will continue delivering these messages to various businesses, associations and educational organizations around the country. Based on his years of experience, his speaking topics focus on concepts like teamwork, goal setting leading by example. For instance, he likes to point out that J-Mac’s big night was made possible by unselfish teammates who kept passing him the ball even though they hadn’t been instructed to do so. He also notes how the game video captures Athena bench players going as wild as the crowd with every J-Mac basket.   Hear on the show today:    Inspirational Story about J-Mac Inspirational and