Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 60: How to Find Your Niche As an Entrepreneur



For many years, David Jardine was able to identify what he did not want to do before eventually, he found what he was interested in and passionate about. David shares his journey and his experiences, as well as his thoughts on theology with Gabe for this most recent episode of Today’s Business Leaders. Finding His Way Out of high school, David ended up landing a job manufacturing parts for potbelly stoves. The work was extremely monotonous, and after a few short hours, David realized this wasn’t what he wanted. He stuck it out for several weeks before he just couldn’t do it anymore, and then he left to go to university. After completing three years of school, David realized his options were limited. He could go on to teach, or he could try his luck at being an artist. He decided to reinvent himself once again, and he enrolled in a community college where he learned to program. Four months in, David had learned how to create a basic webpage. At this point, he reached out to Mel Emory, who ran a direct marketin