Redstone Diaries's Podcast

Chapter 14: But they're instagram boobs.



We beat the pants off those clones and then Jonny takes off his in victory. While the obelisk falls gradually to the ground, Glethran gets a stern talking to by me, Jim Slater. In turn he offers us a way out of out predicament, though, we're all a little leery of it. After realizing how much we've screwed with him and in turn his potential to retaliate. Enjoy it and then tell us so on our Facebook page, twitter, or leave a voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154. Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or remedialm