Redstone Diaries's Podcast

Chapter 7: You should worry about where my pee is, not my health.



This is gonna be fun! We find a clutch of weird alien eggs. Not xenomorphs, I asked. But we almost lose Eddy Broden anyway. And then we fight a thing! We'll take care of XP and other housekeeping next time...maybe. Cast of Players: Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Merrill Snar: Eileen Dobbins @eileenisajerk Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or and @theJsarge on twitter. Numenera and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cooke Games characters and character names, and the