Quiet Confidence With Dr Tess Crawley

Ep. 80: A Sound Static Diary Enables You to Meet Your Goals and Self-Care Needs



This week I’ve been speaking about this with my Like A Boss members (in BIG detail) and also introduced the concept to my No Quarter members. The key issues everyone is weighed down by seem to be: (i) A need to work “smarter-not-harder” after our past brutal couple of years; (ii) The need for several changes to how their businesses function in order to achieve this (time management, fee structure, recruitment, etc); and then (iii) complete overwhelm at how much work needs to be done with so little time and energy.   But here’s what’s a given … no one will achieve anything if their diary doesn’t have dedicated time set aside each week for them to work on these things. Hence the diary reshape. And that triggers a cascade of fear:  What if I can’t afford to take that time away from income generation? (Cue: fee structure discussion)  What if my clients can’t get their preferred appointment time if I take time away from client work? (Cue: discuss guilt-induced over-availability) What if my team thin