Worldbuilder's Anvil

Season 4 Episode 7 How do you get around



Today's Topic – A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!” And More if you can teleport   Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunesFor complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show Flow Is the Tavern trope bad? I know more about Mainly English travel. Japan and Arabic versions are being looked into Surplus or Religion leads to Traveling for all peoples in the middle ages Until Trains and massive ships changed it all again Before long-distance travel was for the rich and their parties Caravans if stuck on land, ships being preferred Walking, Eating, Sleeping for the lower classes Walking and maybe hitchhiking 10 miles a day up to 40 for courier Up to 6o miles by horse Eating Travel food stews and porridge not 9 days old Inn if in a larger town or at locals house (bed and breakfast) Hunting and fishing might have local laws Dog or Ferret Camping or lodging Inn if you could, private homes, barns, or empty stables Under the thicket How could this be affected i