Wise Traditions

351: Dismantling The Narrative



The current narrative insists that we must rely on experts to preserve good health. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explains today that our health agencies, media, and Anthony Fauci have other interests at heart. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the Head of the Children’s Health Defense and a staunch advocate for health and medical freedom. Today, he highlights portions of his New York Times bestselling book “The Real Anthony Fauci.” He reveals facts that indicate that we’re unhealthier now, under Fauci's leadership, than we were decades prior to it. He exposes how Fauci and public health agencies have aligned with pharmaceutical companies at the expense of public health. And he emphasizes that true science invites questions and debate. It’s never settled. Check out Robert F. Kennedy's website: childrenshealthdefense.org Sign up for the Weston A. Price Foundation email list. See our sponsors: One Earth Health, Paleo Valley, Optimal Carnivore