Risen Church Nc

Fiery Darts: Stand Firm - Ephesians 6:10-18



Every single day, we face an enemy who seeks to tear down that which God is building up. He works against all that God works for: Redemption, Preservation, Sanctification. He attempts to leverage our world's fallen nature and God's patience with it, against us so that we might lose our joy and faith. The Apostle Paul details this battle that rages around us, and makes specific note of how Satan seeks to wound our hearts. He aims flaming arrows at us day after day, hoping to set our hearts on fire in all the wrong ways. In the introduction to this series, in which we'll cover many of the fiery darts that the enemy targets us with, we discuss the seeds of doubt that have been planted in the collective heart of the Church. Too many Christians have become overwhelmed with doubt and have lost their confidence in God and His Plans. Listen as we discuss the ramifications of doubt and the depressed state that we easily slip into if we forfeit the confidence and courage available to us. May we swiftly confess our