Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 42: Following Your Passion to Live an Authentic Life



Curran Alvarez found himself in the unemployment office at 22-years-old and thought, “What am I doing here?” After some soul-searching and a chance encounter with a coworker who would later become his wife, Curran found his way and began his entrepreneurial journey. “That’s when my entire life shifted, and I was introduced to this crazy thing called network marketing,” Curran explains. Curran shares his story, along with lots of useful and actionable advice with Gabe for this episode of Today’s Business Leaders. Finding His Way Curran struggled to find his way and make ends meet, and he eventually ended up taking the leap and becoming an entrepreneur. The decision was ultimately very easy for him because he believed in the product he was selling. How to do Network Marketing Right Based on his own very successful experiences, Curran is able to narrow down the basic steps to launching a successful network marketing business. 1. Don't be distracted by the marketing that's out there. There is no insta