Risen Church Nc

Fiery Darts: Comparison Traps - Ecclesiastes 4



We are constantly comparing ourselves and being compared to one another. Our world today makes it extremely easy and natural to do this, with social media and society pressure. At the heart of this notion to compare ourselves is jealousy. We may not be jealous of others, but we are jealous of who they are and what they have. Jealousy's power and influence is deceptive, leaving us vulnerable and vindictive. When we give our minds over to jealousy and comparison, we are emptying our hearts of purpose and peace. Solomon describes jealous ambition as causing us to chase after the wind, which causes us to be filled with dissatisfaction. In this message, we hear and heed Solomon's words, and take a sober look at our lives and purpose, and we check the tank on our peace and joy. Our goal is to restore faith in God's plan for us, so that we wouldn't be distracted by His plans for others. We learn that it is possible to escape the comparison traps and secure peace and contentment.