Kerry Ruff

Only One Connection Skill to allow People to DO what you CHOOSE



Dear Connecting Your Energy Differently Community, Can you connect with other people to get to where you're going, faster? Only One Connection Skill to allow People to DO what you CHOOSE I had a lot of fun giving this talk. I believe in a world where the majority of people can acquire security and safety, plus feel trust from one another. Kerry Ruff Connection Strategist Kerry is a Leader and Advisor to those seeking to develop and leverage their talents and skills into more fulfilling projects and businesses. He’s a long-time educator, one of New York City’s top college professors in communication skills; he’s a peak performance coach to ambitious people, including small business owners. His teachings help brand builders develop greater focus and sustained energy to get more done. He’s the founder of the Success Conference, an annual gathering of top achievers, and he’s the author of “Successful People Move Differently.” Most of which you can watch right here on this channel. Find Kerry here: D