An Interview With Melissa Llarena

114: Lifestyle and Organizing Expert Patty Morrissey Teaches the Art of Listening to Your Intuition



Have you ever read those Chicken Soup for the Soul books? In this conversation with Patty Morrissey, it just felt like I was reading Chicken Soup for Women. If you're a woman seeking some answers to life's big questions, then this conversation is for you! We’ll cover topics such as a woman’s intuition, what to do if we hear something we don’t like, the lessons our kids are here to teach us, as well as how you can take baby steps from surviving to thriving. As a mom of three young boys and having a coaching business, I was feeling a little overwhelmed one night. And it dawned on me that other moms must also feel this way. Our kids are going to grow so quickly that if we're not present, we could miss that. But how do you become present without losing your sanity? There has to be some balance there. Out of that meditation, I came up with the idea of creating a safe space for us, moms, who have young kids. It is totally possible to be more present and not lose your mind. Join this one-hour free workshop with me a