Risen Church Nc

Fiery Darts: Seeing Red - James 3:13-4:8



We all have a certain level of anger within us. Anger lurks in every heart that has ever been wounded... that has ever been taken from, let down, or wronged. Ultimately, anger is the result of a heart that didn't get what it wanted. And isn't it true, we get angry because we don't get our way. We feel like we deserved better, or at least different. While it's tempting to categorize anger as being someone else's fault, anger is our problem to deal with. It may have been triggered by something external, but at the end of the day, anger is inside of US... anger is a poison in OUR hearts. James brings an incredible word to us regarding anger - about where it came from and how we can overcome it. James leads us in admitting that it's ours to own, so that it won't own us and control us. If we will admit why we're angry, then we can embrace and enjoy the solution that only God can provide for it. We cannot wait on someone else to be the solution to our anger, because only Jesus can give us the grace and peace