Swift Unwrapped

64: Never



Never & absurd(): https://twitter.com/pteasima/status/978325590397906944 Point Free Episode #9 Algebraic Data Types: Exponents – https://www.pointfree.co/episodes/ep9-algebraic-data-types-exponents https://twitter.com/pointfreeco https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0215-conform-never-to-hashable-and-equatable.md Get in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way to do that is by leaving us a review on iTunes! It lets us know what you think of the show and helps us climb the charts so other people can find the show. We've also got a channel set up on Spectrum.chat! If you want to talk about today's episode, ask us a question or just follow the conversation, jump in anytime at: spectrum.chat/specfm/swift-unwrapped