Swift Unwrapped

57: Swift for TensorFlow Design Overview



https://github.com/tensorflow/swift/blob/master/docs/DesignOverview.md https://twitter.com/chriseidhof/status/989736679417171968 https://twitter.com/chriseidhof/status/989573435968966658 https://gist.github.com/lattner/a6257f425f55fe39fd6ac7a2354d693d https://forums.swift.org/t/pitch-3-introduce-user-defined-dynamically-callable-types/12232 https://www.tensorflow.org/ https://youtu.be/Yze693W4MaU https://groups.google.com/a/tensorflow.org/forum/#!topic/swift/xtXCEvtDe5Q https://www.tensorflow.org/community/swift https://twitter.com/clattner_llvm/status/979886581371740160 Thank you to Bitrise.io for sponsoring this episode! Bitrise is Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery for your whole team, with dozens of integrations for your favourite services. Be sure to check out their new iOS Auto Provision step for your Xcode projects. Check them out and let them know we sent you at Bitrise.io Get in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way to do that is by leaving us a review on