Sensuality Empowerment Podcast

Atira Tan - Trauma-Informed Plant Medicine Integration Specialist / Embodied Feminine Leader



Today I reconnect with a very special and gifted woman.  I have worked with Atira at the very early stages of my exploration with embodiment. Atira is a model of embodied feminine leadership and is passionate about supporting humanity to heal and empowering them to follow their authentic calling in the world. Atira is a trauma survivor of child abuse so she is informed by her own journey of recovery to support others to thrive and grow.A TEDx speaker, activist, somatic trauma specialist, #1 Best Selling Author, and trauma-informed yoga teacher & group facilitator, Atira Tan, is a powerful agent of transformation and change. She is the founding director of Art to Healing, an Australian charity that supports the trauma recovery of child s£x slaves in Asia. From the slums in Nepal to refugee camps in Burma, Atira has touched the lives of thousands of women, men, and children around the world, supporting them through her 19 years of experience in various somatic and creative trauma recovery approaches.Passion