California Real Estate Radio

Santa Clarita loans and lending best practices and how to ensure you are not going to be taken advantage of



The best places to obtain loans are going to be from your local mortgage brokers, tried and true methods. The problem is how do you know if you are searching online that you have found a true local lender and not one of those lead generation services that are creating issues in the "bait and switch" methods. Some purposely set the stage for their clients to pay huge fees in obtaining a home loan then they are overcharging on the interest rate in order to make more money due to the "lock procedures". Here is the gist - when it comes to real estate and what actually is happening within the lending institutions, you need to be careful on who you are giving your personal and private info to. Furthermore, you need to ensure that what you are paying is legit and that you are not being gouged in the process of obtaining a home loan. Do overcharges still happen with home loans? Absolutely yes! The way to ensure you are not getting taken is to be straight up with the lender and ask them and as your