Beth Jones International Speaker

The face of fear in writing and speaking



Our family traveled one weekend to Saint Louis, Missouri, for a fast, fun adventure to see the Arch. It is the tallest man-made monument in the Western Hemisphere, and is Missouri's tallest accessible building, standing at 630 feet high. Our granddaughter Annabelle was scared of heights and was terrified to go to the top. She cried all the way going up in the elevator with us. But when we arrived at the top, she was able to look out the arch's little windows at the river, the skyscrapers, and the landscape. She loved it. She especially loved the little arch souvenir gift we bought her to take home. If you as a writer and/or speaker never face your fears like Annabelle did with her fear of heights, you'll never achieve what God has put in your mind and heart to do - writing and speaking. Don't let fear hinder or stop you. In this episode, I also share about my brand new writers and speakers virtual training coming up in February 2021 to help you write your book(s) and step out speaking. There will be an Early