Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Personalized Pay-Per-Click Campaigns with Andrew Muller - (Episode 103)



Are you struggling with your marketing strategy? Do you want to explore online advertising and not sure where to start? Pay-per-click ad campaign expert Andrew Muller is here to help entrepreneurs get the most out of their marketing budget through personalized pay-per-click campaigns. Andrew began his online advertising career at a young age. He worked at Bing for years specializing in advertising campaigns and pay-per-click. He noticed that clients were paying a lot of money for generic advertising advice and were not getting their money’s worth. Compared to his colleagues, Andrew was putting in a lot more effort with clients. After getting laid off from Bing, Andrew decided to take the skills he learned and start his own consulting business. While he wanted to start his own business, Andrew still had a lot of questions about how he wanted it to run. Things sped up for him after the birth of his daughter. Becoming a father made him increase his work speed exponentially. He was doing as much work as possible