Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Risky Business: Identifying and Mitigating Startup Risks with Frank Mendoza - (Episode 93)



In this episode of Today’s Business Leaders, Frank Mendoza shares some of his success secrets for running your own business. Frank is the owner and founder of Catalytics Consulting. After working on several startups at Dell, he got his mini MBA and formed his own company.The Basics of a StartupBefore he could launch his business, Frank had to identify what you need from a consulting practice. He came up with four basic things:- Leads- A way to close leads- An execution strategy- ReferralsFrank needed to identify what his biggest risk was so he could mitigate it. He thought it would be closing sales at first since that was his area of least experience. However, a little more reflection revealed that leads was actually the biggest risk. Without leads, there was no opportunity to close a sale.He had to figure out a way to create a pipeline that would always produce fresh leads. That led him to Hourly Nerd, a marketplace for independent consultants and cooperations. He was able to create a profile showcasing his