Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Living Authentically in a Presentational World: Talking With Pam Savino - (Episode 92)



Many of our guests on this podcast are passionate about what they do, but Pam’s passion for helping people find their fire and create the authentic life they want to live is unique. We get right down to business from the start, and Pam outlines why she does what she does while telling us a bit about her life’s work.As a spiritual life coach, Pam focuses on keeping herself and her clients balanced physically, intellectually and spiritually. Many entrepreneurs are all about the first two areas of personal wellbeing, but too often they neglect their spiritual life. You can’t have an authentic life without all three. Rather than advocating a specific spiritual path though, Pam focuses on helping clients find the path that they are most passionate about.She started Live Authentically as a way to reach a wider audience, and to create a platform for the most important aspects of a healthy spiritual life: nothing forced is meant to be, the universe will always have your back, and do not ignore how you feel when you a