Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Killing it with Conversions: How to Make Content Marketing Work for You - (Episode 88)



On today’s episode, AmpMyContent founder Daniel Daines-Hutt discusses web traffic and conversion. Daniel is an industry expert who has discovered how to drive tons of traffic to his posts time and again. He enjoys the highest ROIs and opt-in rates in the industry, making a lot of money in the process. He not only knows what he’s talking about, but he also practices what he preaches.Getting Back to Content Marketing BasicsThere are a variety of ways to drive traffic to your website. Yet, it’s important not to neglect the foundation of online marketing: great content. “Google is always trying to get people back to the fundamentals because they have a core system that they use,” Daniel says. “They want good content.”With an 83% opt-in rate, Daniel seems to be onto something. Add more keywords, insert definitive calls to action and consistently promote valuable posts. Magical things start happening when you do.The Future of Content Marketing and SEOWhile quality content is crucial, you shouldn't ignore other