Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Learning How to Abandon Your Ego to Run Your Business - (Episode 84)



Janis Pettit makes her second visit to Today’s Business Leaders to talk about how CEOs can both help and sabotage their businesses. During her 30 years of being an entrepreneur, Janis has run four successful companies. She has employed a whole lot of trial and error, but she has always come out on top and learned so much actionable advice along the way.You Can’t Get Away from YourselfJanis shares a common adage about how business problems are always well disguised personal problems. A lot of the problem’s entrepreneurs face are really just personal issues. “I think all entrepreneurs have a certain amount of fear that steers them in the wrong direction one time or another,” Janis explains. “Once you develop a certain level of self-awareness, and you see that for what it is, it’s just fear that’s holding you back, everything changes and you’re able to push through that and make the right decisions for your business.”Attachment IssuesJanis has seen plenty of entrepreneurs who fall in love with a bad idea. They b