Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Using Innovation to Keep Customers Coming Back for More - (Episode 78)



Marisa Cali is back to share more actionable advice based on her own experience as an entrepreneur for this installment of Today’s Business Leaders. Find out how her New Year’s resolution turned into a social media marketing windfall and what micro-influencers can do for your business.Evolution of the Fancy Mini NewsletterMarisa is a social media strategist and owner of All the Social. This past New Year’s Day, she found herself contemplating how to create true evergreen content. She puts out lots of content, but she wanted to share something different than just a blog post. Marisa also wanted something that would last and be relevant for a longer period of time.This led to the creation of what Marisa has dubbed the fancy mini newsletter. Marisa uses InDesign to create client proposals, and she’s found a lot of success with this presentation. She decided to take this concept and create something visually appealing and informative that could be shared with her followers. What resulted was essentially a newslet