Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

How to Take Over the World as an Entrepreneur - (Episode 66)



Terry Ogburn started his company to help small businesses take over and grow into being the backbone of the country. Terry has had a vast career and has gained tons of actionable advice along the way. During his first appearance on Today’s Business Leaders, Terry covered how he got to the point of opening his consulting business. In this episode, he delves into how he helps small business owners and entrepreneurs.The Value of SystemsTerry uses metrics and a variety of other indicators to help his clients grow their businesses, and for good reason. Terry believes small business owners are the future. “I started my company helping small businesses, small entrepreneurs and little companies because I believe these are the people that are going to turn this country around. They have always been the backbone of our country. I think we got pushed away a little bit, and now it’s time to come back together and really take over like we should,” explains Terry.How to Harness a PerformaBookkeeping is important for busine