Risen Church Nc

Fiery Darts: In The Margins - Ephesians 6:10-20



Of all the ways the Enemy seeks to combat our faith in God and faithfulness to His Kingdom, this message addresses his most subtle strategy. This world often causes us to feel infringed and marginalized, and many environments in which we find ourselves cause us to feel out of place, making us want to retreat or even rebel. It turns out, however, that it's in these places that God may very well be sending us and calling us to endure for Him. The Bible is full of charges over the people of God to be mindful of their greater purpose and always see past the Enemy's attempts to discourage and aggravate us, and fill us with apathy. If indeed we have been driven to the margins, then it stands to reason that it's from those margins we have been called to endure and from which the Kingdom of God will emerge. The question is, will we remain determined, motivated and ambitious to serve God no matter where He places us, no matter what we may face?