Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

How to Maintain Your Weight with Michelle



Do you find it challenging to maintain your weight after weight loss? Are you experiencing difficulty knowing what new boundaries to set for maintenance? Are you struggling with different lies than you did while losing weight?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, today's episode (links down below) with Michelle will be tremendously helpful! Lies We Discussed on the Podcast I don't need boundaries anymore! I'll start again tomorrow. I shouldn't have to track anymore now that I've reached my goal. I can relax my boundaries now.  Other Things We Discussed on the Podcast Different boundaries for losing and for maintaining Alternate ways to renew your mind if your regular method is getting boring Why it's good to have multiple tools for mind renewal How the maintenance phase is like a "new trial" How to know if using the scale is helpful or harmful Resources Mentioned on the Podcast Taste for Truth  Freedom from Emotional Eating   I Deserve a Donut App The Renewing of the Mind Project "How to Truth