Risen Church Nc

Fiery Darts: Hiding Place - John 3



Of all the stumbling blocks put before by the Enemy, guilt may be the most sinister and most toxic. Tragically, it's also something that many of us assume is actually from God. Religion has leveraged guilt for generations, leaving many to feel as if guilt is a curse we'll forever have to bear. Thankfully, this is not so... In this message, we discover that God has been trying to free His people from guilt since the beginning. He has never imposed it, but rather Satan has imprisoned many by guilt. Jesus came to remove our sin and absolve our guilt. If we trust in Him for salvation, we no longer have to bear our shame or regrets. If we make Christ our hiding place, rather than running from God, He will remove our disgrace and empower us with His grace. Guilt will try to keep us from peace and joy, but Christ died and rose again to give us forgiveness and freedom.