Living Your Yoga With Dr Melissa West

Yoga Nidra for Chronic Pain |Yoga with Melissa 612



Yoga Nidra for Chronic Pain Welcome to this yoga nidra for chronic pain. Living with chronic pain can become all-consuming, affecting all aspects of our lives and over time it can feel like there is no way out. No matter how hard we try there is no escape. It is easy to feel hopeless and helpless. I have found that offering myself self compassion and attending to the secondary bracing that can come from the pain can help to create some space around the physical, mental, emotional and energetic effects of chronic pain. Please know that you are not alone in this experience. Unfortunately, globally it is estimated that about 1 in 5 people or 1.5 billion people worldwide experience chronic pain. I know that pain can be so isolating, but you are not alone. Others feel this too. May you offer yourself the compassion that you need in your chronic pain May you accept yourself, exactly as you are, even in the midst of chronic pain. May you forgive yourself for experiencing pain and know that you are worthy just for