Financially Speaking ~ Kathy Cook Noble

Magic of Mentorship with guest Sarah Hilton of LeadHERalliance



Financially Speaking with Kathy Cook Noble  Joining Kathy is Sarah Hilton, Director of Program for LeadHERalliance, a mentorship program for women. LeadHERalliance is a no-cost mentorship program designed specifically for women. Sarah explains how LeadHERalliance benefits women from all work fields and builds success for future generations. Kathy and Sarah discuss why mentorship is so important, especially for women. Communication is EVERYTHING! Sarah speaks and shares through helping others tell their story. As a Certified World Class Speaking Coach and Mental Health Specialist, Sarah has worked with thousands in supporting others to find their voice and share their stories. Kathy’s Book: All Ladies Should Use the F-Word: A Guide to Loving Your Finances Purchase on       *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Financially Speaking ~ Everyw