Sell Or Die With Jeffrey Gitomer And Jennifer Gluckow

How to Choose to See the Good When You Want to Focus on the Bad



You actually choose your energy; you set the tone for your day. That’s why, even if something goes wrong, you can make the mental shift to be positive in how you approach the roadblock. Ask yourself how you can make the best of this situation. If you let one bad moment, one cancellation, or sales loss influence your entire day you’re going to exist in constant misery. It also becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. On this latest episode we talk more about: Dealing with the problems that will always pop up How to remember a bad moment isn’t a bad forever The trick really is as simple and as hard as asking yourself “what do I need to do to turn this around?” Bad stuff is always going to happen- you need to anticipate that things aren’t always going to go smoothly. But this doesn’t give you an excuse to dwell on the negative, or exist in a place of pessimism. For more on ways to stay positive despite circumstances tune into episode 587 of Sell or Die! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode