The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

What Is Strategic Workforce Planning? Strategic Planning



What Is Strategic Workforce Planning? Strategic Planning See 1 of 100 New Videos on this topic & more. In fact, our research specifically proves 8 Critical Success Factors for small & medium-sized businesses. Visit for more info. Or for more on the research behind it.  Transcript: It's the planning process you go through to anticipate your hiring schedule. For example: Maybe there is a labor shortage. Or you don't get the revenue expected. Or workforce demographics are changing. Or the skill set needed is changing. Or a new development changes things. Strategic workforce planning is planning around all these. It's trying to plan, budget and take them into account. For example, if people deliver your services. Let's say you're a contractor. You get a big contract. You have to figure out: Who do I need to hire? What stage of the project do I need them? What do I do if I fail to find these people?